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Success Stories

Connected Care

When trying to change behavior, consistency is key. Through services in some of our communities, Boys Town is providing connected care for schools and families, creating consistency, a common language and ultimately changed behaviors. This focus on prevention, partnership and connected care allows for more kids to succeed and more families to stay together.​​​​​​​​

Ruben: We had our parent-teacher conferences and we had two representatives from Boys Town here to talk to parents if they needed it. And I had a parent come up and he said, "I need help. My son is failing every single class. He's not listening at home. I think he's using drugs. What kind of help can you give me?" And I walked him right over to the Boys Town table. Now we have just an immediate course of action that we can offer our p​arents.

Shannon: It's beneficial to have Boys Town here not only providing the resources to families in-home but also here at the school because what it's allowing us to do is to build a common language. And it's not only the common language at home and at school, it's also great to have a common language within your building. So a kid coming from kindergarten who will be with us all the way through fifth grade will hear the exact same message from every single person on this campus also hearing the same message at home through support through Boys Town.

Jessica: We work with many schools in the community, and to hear the stories from principals and from teachers, the impact that they've had in their classrooms and just in the school with what we've done with the families and their homes, has been tremendous. Kids are listening more. They are paying attention in classes and their grades are going up. They're being more successful in the school.

Shannon: I've seen the difference that it makes in our families and the resources that they are able to get. There are some families that are really struggling and they need a lot of support and a lot of resources. We're seeing students that are coming in with higher behavior issues than we had previously had and it's been really great to be able to sit down in parent meetings and provide them these opportunities and really explain to them what Boys Town can help them with. Boys Town has been amazing.

Ruben: Boys Town is changing how we deliver education.

Brandon: Boys Town is the service that really tied together our school. It tied it together where we're servicing our teachers. We're servicing our students. But with the help of Boys Town, now I feel like we're really servicing our community and our parents. So, it's a beautiful thing.​​

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