Stories of Support
Bridgepoint Investment Banking
Bridgepoint Investment Banking sponsored a group of Boys Town youth at the PGA Korn Ferry Tour Championship event in Omaha. There they met many promising youth and a group of junior executives were inspired to start an investment banking fellowship with Boys Town.
The Successful Futures program at Boys Town, which helps our kids plan for college and career readiness, helped Lucas apply for the fellowship and he was selected as the first student for the program.
“Some advice I got that's really stuck with me was, 'Always expect the best from yourself…don't ever sell yourself short,'" Lucas said. “Before, I just wanted to do something in business, but this fellowship is giving me insight into I really want to do and how to achieve that."
Bridgeport Investment Banking's motto is “Bringing Wall Street to Main Street" and they certainly did a wonderful job of bringing Wall Street to the Village of Boys Town! Watch the video below for the whole story.
Lucas: Some advice I got that really stuck with me was, you always want to expect the best for yourself. You don't want to ever sell yourself short. I first heard about the program in accounting class. My accounting teacher explained it to me as just a way to learn more about business. A couple of weeks later, I met Andrew and Garrett.
Andrew: When we met Lucas for the in-person interview, I don't think I've met a young man with that much intellect ability at his age And we knew we had a guy that was really special.
Perry: Bridgepoint is...we're an investment bank headquartered here at Omaha, Nebraska, serving primarily family and founder-owned businesses on anything from M&A advisory to capitalizing transactions. So, you know, if an owner wants to sell their company, we'll go and assist that owner with selling their business.
Andrew: We wanted to really help Boys Town, and I think this junior group, really the team wanted to help young individuals in the Omaha community. And that's what spurred the fellows program and also the partnership with Boys Town.
Perry: What has been the most fun or unique experience you've had during the Bridgepoint Fellows Program?
Lucas: The most fun was definitely the Creighton business. It was a lot of fun.
Andrew: Garrett's pretty sad you didn't say men's warehouse, my man.
Lucas: I did enjoy men's warehouse as well. That was really fun too. But I really just enjoyed just learning. My favorite part was being able to learn more about investment banking, being able to see it as a viable career option. As before, I was just wanting to do something in business, but now I think through this fellowship it's giving me insight on what I really want to do and how to achieve that.
Garrett: ultimately, in the end, we hope and pray that we see these young girls and boys get into college, go on to extremely successful careers we just are grateful for all that we've had in our career to get to where we are today, and we want to be able to give back.
Andrew: Your confidence level from the first day we met you to now is like light years difference. It's, like, the coolest thing to see.