Boys Town Common Sense Parenting Classes Changing Lives at Freedom Shores School

A group of parents from Freedom Shores Elementary School took our Boys Town Common Sense Parenting (CSP) workshop last fall. The classes include a six-week training course for parents and caregivers to learn skills and tools to better guide and raise their children to create a positive family environment. Classes are held at churches, libraries, community centers and schools. A huge thank you to Principal Michael Sabatino for opening this opportunity to the parents at Freedom Shores! We also want to thank Claudia Varela, a valuable Boys Town South Florida employee, who traveled a good distance to ensure parents received the information they needed in their native language. After six weeks, these were some of the comments from the parents that were in Spanish that have been translated into English:

QUESTION: ¿Qué es lo que más te gustó de este taller? QUESTION: What did you like most about this workshop?
“Taller muy dinámico e interactivo. La instructora maneja muy bien el tema.” "Very dynamic and interactive workshop. The instructor handles the subject very well."
“Me enseñaron paciencia y algunas estrategias.” “They taught me patience and some strategies.”
“Me gusta la clase donde hablamos de cómo gestionar y controlar situaciones difíciles en casa. Eso me ha ayudado mucho.” “I like the class where we talk about how to manage and control difficult situations at home. That has helped me a lot.”

The following are the skills parents acquired from the Common Sense Parenting® classes and supporting materials:

·         How to communicate effectively

·         How to avoid power struggles

·         How to focus on and praise their children’s positive behavior

·         How to reduce their children’s problem behavior

·         How to control their emotions

·         How to balance discipline with affection

Did you know we have more CSP classes coming up this year? To learn more about the dates and further information about the classes, call our main office at (561) 612-6000 or check out Find a Class (