Boys Town Youth Advocate for Quality Care During Nebraska Capitol Visit
Bright and early on February 15, a group of current Boys Town High School Students and alumni, who are now involved in the Successful Futures Program, were off on a road trip to Lincoln to experience the Nebraska Legislature in action. The trip also included tours of both the unique Nebraska State Capitol Building, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and the Nebraska Supreme Court.
Our Boys Town young adults had the opportunity to observe the Nebraska Unicameral's morning discussion and were recognized on the floor by both Senator Mike McDonnell of Omaha and Senator and Speaker of the House, John Arch of LaVista. For more than 25 years, John worked with us at Boys Town; first as hospital administrator and most recently as our Executive Vice President of Health Care and the Director of the National Research Hospital and Clinics. John continues to collaborate with Boys Town on our leadership training and serves as a consultant to our hospital.
Following the morning session, our students were given the opportunity to visit with Senators about what they feel is important to Nebraska Children and Families during the lunch hour. They also shared their lived experiences and learned more about the workings of the legislative process. Understanding that the Senators are extremely busy, our group genuinely appreciated the time they shared.
During the afternoon, our group observed the judiciary committee and heard several legislative bills of interest. Two of our Boys Town students had prepared testimony and were given the opportunity to meet with the sponsoring Senator and to testify before the committee. The trip to Lincoln provided a great real-life legislative experience for our Boys Town young adults and offered valuable insights into how to advocate for important change using the legislative process.