John Etzell, Executive Director Nevada

Letter from The Executive Director, John Etzell

Thank you for aiding Boys Town Nevada in our mission to change the way America cares for families and children. This has been another impactful year for us, as we continue to provide four unique services to children and families in need across Southern Nevada. With your support, Boys Town Nevada has already impacted over 7,000 children in 2024.

September is a significant month at Boys Town Nevada. From Suicide Prevention Month to back-to-school within our education and In-Home-Family Services programs, our goal has always been and will continue to be preventing behavioral issues at home and in schools.

Suicide prevention is crucial here at Boys Town Nevada, reflecting our commitment to providing vital support and resources to help young people navigate crises and find hope. Since the beginning of the year, the Boys Town National Hotline has provided critical support to 115 Nevada youth -- offering guidance and assistance during moments of crisis. The dedicated team of counselors worked tirelessly to address their needs and provide a safe space for these young individuals.

It is also our objective to provide as many resources as we can to help families be better equipped for events like Back to School. We strive to help parents create a successful foundation for the upcoming school year with resources such as our “10 days of 10 activities to get you ready.” Activities like setting up specific bedtimes, designating a space in your home for studying, and keeping lines of communication open, are all things that parents can do to help their children start the school year on the right foot.

Every successful foundation we strive to create for children and families in our community is built from the pillars of your support. Thank you to all of you who make what we do every day possible.